Department of Development Studies
Dr Yusuf Sheikh Omar
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- Roles
- Department of Development Studies Research Associate
- Department
- Department of Development Studies
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Holds PhD from School of Social Sciences, La Trobe University, Australia. He published widely in International Academic Journals as well top Australian Newspapers. His research focused on African and Muslim youth identities, belonging, social integration, African diaspora's knowledge and skills transfer as nation building particularly those from conflict-affected countries, emotional wellbeing, conflict resolution and peace building.
Refereed Academic Articles
- Omar, Yusuf et al (2017) ‘Putting your feet in gloves designed for hands’: Horn of Africa Muslim men perspectives in emotional wellbeing and access to mental health services in Australia, International Journal of Culture and Mental Health. DOI: 10.1080/17542863.2017.1324887
- Omar, Yusuf. (2016). Identity and Sense of Belonging of Young Somali Men in a Western Context: Case Studies from Melbourne and Minneapolis, Bildhaan: An International Journal of Somali Studies, Vol. 16.
- Omar, Yusuf. (2016). “Intergenerational conflict in the Somali Diaspora: The perspectives of young Somali men in Australia and USA”. Somali Studies: A Peer Reviewed Academic Journal for Somali studies, Institute for Somali Studies, Mogadishu University, Vol. 1, 2016: 77-104.
- Omar, Yusuf with Anna Jenkins, Marieke van RegterenAltena, Harvey Tuck, Chris Hynan, Ahmed Tohow, Prem Chopra, and David Castle. (2015).Khat use: What is the problem and what can be done? BioMed Research International, Vol. 2015, Article ID 472302, 7 pages
- Omar, Yusuf. (2013). “Work stimulates you to think about your future”: The importance of employment during social integration from the perspectives of young Somali men living in Australia and USA. The New Zealand Journal of Employment Relations, Vol. 38, No. 1, 2013: 42-54
- Omar, Yusuf. (2012). Sense of hope, identity and belonging? Young Somali men in Australia and USA, Bildhaan: An International Journal of Somali Studies, Macalester College, St. Paul, USA, Vol. 12, pp.34-52.
- Omar, Yusuf. (2011). Integration experiences and youth perspectives: An exploratory study of school-going Somali youth in Melbourne, Australia and Minneapolis, USA. Bildhaan: An International Journal of Somali Studies, Vol. 9, pp. 115-136.
- Omar, Yusuf. (2008). Somali youth and cultural adaptation in school context.The African Studies Association of Australasia and the Pacific (AFSAAP). Available online:
- Omar, Y (2008). Somali youth in Diaspora: A comparative study of female and male perceptions of further studies and future career (Case Study Somali Youth in Melbourne, Australia). Bildhaan: An International Journal of Somali Studies, Vol. 8, pp.52-95.
- Omar, Y (2005).The educational and employment aspirations of Somali high school students in Melbourne.The Australasian Review of African Studies. Vol. XXVII, No. 2, pp. 63-87.
- Omar, Y (2005). Young Somalis in Australia: An educational approach to challenges and recommended solutions. Migration Action, Vol.XXII, No. 1, Ecumenical Migration Centre of Brotherhood of St. Laurence, Victoria, Australia.
Refereed Book Chapters
- Omar, Yusuf. (2017), Analysis on What Role Do Diaspora Communities Play in Influencing And Countering Violent Extremism in PEACE DIRECT (Eds), Peacebuilding and Violent Extremism, London, UK.
- Omar, Yusuf. (2015). Are we at peace with our names? inSier, D and Parris, J. (eds) Home Truths: An anthology of refugee and migrant writing,YannickThoraval, Melbourne, Australia.
- Omar, Yusuf and Gerrand, V (2015) The Arts as cultural and identity resources for Somali youth in Australia: Nadia Faragaab’s “Kronologies” in McConville, C. (eds) HOPEFUL PLACES: Migration and belonging in an unpredictable era, Connor Court Publishing PTY LTD, Australia.
- Omar, Yusuf. (2012). Refugees inBeilharz, P. & Hogan, T. (Eds) Sociology: Antipodean Perspectives, Oxford University Press, Australia& New Zealand.
Reports and Working Papers
- Omar, Y., Ondiege, E. (2018). Youth Deradicalization Through Employment. Somali Institute of Public Administration and Management. Online [availabile]: (Policy Brief).
- Omar, Y.,Osman, K., Miriyagalla, D. (2017) Promoting peacebuilding in Somalia through youth employment and empowerment, [online]: (Policy Brief).