Training opportunities and resources

Training opportunities
Further resources
Vitae is a non-profit organisation dedicated to the personal and professional development of research students and staff. SOAS is one of its member institutions, so all you need to do to access any restricted content is to register with the site using your SOAS email address.
Epigeum Research Integrity V2
All SOAS researchers are advised to complete this online programme. In the case of PhD students, you need to complete it before your upgrade and provide proof of completion as part of your upgrade form (on PhD Manager).
Consortium for the Advancement of Research Methods and Analysis (CARMA)
SOAS holds an institutional membership in the consortium. By registering with the site using your SOAS email address, you will have full access to its Video Library, Webcast Lecture Series, Topic Interest Groups, and PhD Prep Group, as well as discounts on short courses.
LinkedIn Learning
SOAS offers all students free access to LinkedIn Learning, a leading online learning platform where you can find over 18,000 video-based, professional development courses at your disposal. You can find further information on how to set up your account and get started at this Moodle page.
Alternative Guide to Postgraduate Funding
This is an online database of lesser-known funding opportunities from charities, trusts, and foundations. To access the database, go to its Gateway page, click the green box option 1, enter your SOAS email address and click ‘Go’. You will then be sent a username and password, which you use via the blue box option 1. If you are on campus, you can access the Guide automatically via blue box option 1.
The Brilliant Club
The Brilliant Club is a widening participation charity that recruits, trains, and places doctoral and postdoctoral researchers in state schools across the UK to encourage pupils from underrepresented backgrounds to pursue higher education. SOAS has a long partnership with the organisation. If you would like to get involved, here is the application form.