Research integrity online programme


SOAS places a premium upon maintaining the highest ethical standards in our unique areas of research, working to foster values of honesty, rigour, openness, care and respect as set out in the Concordat to Support Research Integrity.

SOAS works to ensure that all research conducted under its auspices conforms to the appropriate ethical, legal and professional standards, to cultivate a research environment that is underpinned by an ethos of integrity, reflexivity, governance and best practice is a continual process for researchers at all levels.

SOAS has subscribed to the Research Integrity programme since 2016. This version of the course [version 2.2, UK edition] has been substantively revised, with new content related to the challenges post by Artificial Intelligence as well as the Trusted Research.

Who should take the Research Integrity programme?

The Research Integrity course is available to all researchers at SOAS. It is a mandatory requirement for academic staff in receipt of externally funded research grants and postgraduate research students at the Upgrade stage to PhD.

Students on taught programmes (Undergraduate and Masters) who are intending to undertake primary research are strongly encouraged to take the course and this may be deemed mandatory depending upon the nature of any proposed research activity.

Course structure

SOAS has a subscription to the Research Integrity [2.2, UK version]. The course is divided into two components:

  • Core (8 modules)
  • Supplementary (5 modules)

Research Integrity - Core

The mandatory Core modules are:

  1. Responsible research practice
  2. Irresponsible research practice
  3. Planning your research
  4. Managing and recording your research
  5. Data selection, analysis and presentation
  6. Scholarly publication
  7. Professional responsibilities
  8. Communication, social responsibility and impact

All eight modules need to be completed in full. The programme certificate can be downloaded upon completion. Individual certificates can also be downloaded when each module is complete.

Research Integrity - Supplementary

There are five modules for this course which are as follows:

  1. Conflicts of interest
  2. Research involving human participants
  3. [The care and use of animals in research]
  4. Intellectual property
  5. Trusted research and export controls

Other than module 3, the remainder can be completed. Depending upon the nature of planned research activity, some modules may take precedence for researchers over others.

Access the Research Integrity course

  • Go to Epigeum Online Courses
  • Click on the user menu (top right) and then on ‘Register’
  • Complete the registration form accurately and only use your SOAS email address
  • The token to be entered on the registration form is: 4a72231d
  • After clicking on the terms of service boxes, press the blue icon marked 'Register'
  • The registration process is completed by clicking on the activation link that is sent to your SOAS email address



For further information regarding the course or related queries, please email the Research Ethics and Governance Officer Khalid Hasan (