History of medicine

  • All users on-campus; SOAS students and staff only off-campus
    • Cambridge Histories Online
      The complete Cambridge Histories series (some 270 volumes published since 1960) and some volumes in the New Cambridge Histories series
      On campus use / Off campus use
  • Web resources
    • Islamic culture and the medical arts
      An online exhibition on the history and development of Islamic from the U.S. National Library of Medicine, including a bibliography of additional readings.
    • Medical history of British India
      From the National Library of Scotland’s India Papers series – 44 documents on public health measures and disease prevention dating from 1868 to 1920
    • Muslims & Medical History
      Selected papers and articles on the history of medicine in the Islamic world
    • Wellcome Institute
      The collection comprises books, archives, manuscripts and photographs documenting the history of medicine from the earliest times to the present day