How do we understand the Mad Woman's Speech? Women's Novels (50s-60s) and their Cinematic Re-Creation in South India
Single women and the law in a pro-marriage state This lecture will offer an overview of single women and the law in Taiwan, highlighting both legal benefits and detriments, with a focus on the latter.
Professor Antonio Andreoni Sustainable structural transformation, Industrial policy, Political economy, Production, Industrial ecosystems, Global value chains, Digitalisation, Financialisation, Institutional change, Competition policy.
Art Africa Sessions #3: John Picton and William Rea Contemporary African Arts Talks Series. In this talk, Prof John Picton and Dr William Rea discuss their contributions to the recent book Christian Art and African Modernity
Collecting, assembling, ordering: Border politics and the invisible data work of asylum As part of the Spring seminar series “Archival Activism and Solidarity in an Era of Displacement, Protracted Conflict, and Humanitarianism” at the Centre for Migration and Diaspora Studies, Lucrezia Canzutti and Claudia Aradau from Kings College London will present a lecture entitled “Collecting, assembling, ordering: Border politics and the invisible data work of asylum”.