49 Strings | Stringed Instruments of India On their first ever UK tour, 49 Strings brings together five exceptionally talented musicians from India and Europe.
The New China Playbook Dr. Keyu Jin will discuss her new book, which burrows deep into the mechanisms of China's unique political economy model; examine Chinese households, firms, government, the financial system that together make up a dynamic and often quixotic economic landscape.
Stranded Gods: Comparing Human-Whale Relations and Ritual Lifeworlds in Japan and Vietnam This lecture compares human-whale relations, environmental change, and ritual practices in coastal regions of Japan and Vietnam, which share a similar logic and are undergoing similar transformations today.
Professor Ulrich Volz appointed Co-chair of the Global Research Alliance for Sustainable Finance and Investment Professor Ulrich Volz has been appointed co-chair of the Global Research Alliance for Sustainable Finance and Investment.
Talking shit: discussing the centrality of excrement to the modern world Ed Emery writes on the centrality of excrement, both metaphorical and literal, to the modern world.
MSc International Business with Placement Year MSc International Business with Placement Year at SOAS University of London