School of Law, Gender and Media
Professor of Law
School of Law, Gender and Media
LLM Environmental Law and MA Environmental Law & Sustainable Development Convenor
School of Law, Gender and Media
MRES Law Convenor
Law, Environment and Development Centre
Chair, Centre of Law, Environment and Development
Centre for Water and Development
SOAS South Asia Institute
Food Studies Centre
Centre for Human Rights Law
Centre for Law in Asia
Dr Philippe Cullet is Professor of international and environmental law. He came to teach at SOAS with qualifications in law and development studies from Geneva University, London (King’s College and SOAS) and Stanford University.
Philippe’s main areas of interest include environmental law, natural resources, human rights and the socio-economic aspects of intellectual property. He works on these at the international level and in India. His current research includes work on water law and governance with a particular focus on groundwater, drinking water, sanitation, inter-sectoral water allocation and institutional reforms in India; equity and justice in environmental law; biodiversity, including benefit sharing and biosafety; climate change; and justice, with a particular focus on environmental and water rights. His monographs include Water Law, Poverty and Development – Water Law Reforms in India (Oxford University Press, 2009), Intellectual Property Protection and Sustainable Development (Butterworths, 2005) and Differential Treatment in International Environmental Law (Ashgate, 2003).
Philippe co-convenes the two postgraduate degrees in environmental law in the School of Law, the LLM and the MA in Environmental Law and Sustainable Development. He also the convenor of the Law, Environment and Development Centre (LEDC) and is the Editor of the Law, Environment and Development Journal (LEAD Journal), a peer-reviewed academic journal published at
He has been leading on collaboration with National Law University, Delhi where he is also a Visiting Professor. He has been closely involved in policymaking. He was the Convenor of the Sub-group on Legal Issues Related to Groundwater Management and Regulation of the Planning Commission of India that prepared the draft Model Bill for the Conservation, Protection and Regulation of Groundwater, 2011. In 2015-2017, he was a member of the committee of the Government of India's Ministry of Water Resources, River Development & Ganga Rejuvenation drafting the Draft National Water Framework Bill, 2016 (PDF) and the Groundwater (Sustainable Management) Bill, 2017 (earlier draft - PDF).
He is currently working on river rights and nature rights and is the chair of the IUCN World Commission on Environmental Law (WCEL) Task Force on rights of nature. His forthcoming publications include: P. Cullet, L. Bhullar & S. Koonan eds, The Oxford Handbook of Environmental and Natural Resources Law in India (OUP, 2024) and P. Cullet & R. Shree eds, River Rejuvenation and River Rights: Evolving Debates in India (Orient BlackSwan, forthcoming 2025).
law and policy concerning the environment and natural resources (in particular water, sanitation, biodiversity, climate crisis); rights of nature; social rights; sustainable development; international law; international inequality; India
Groundwater and Climate Change – Multi-Level Law and Policy Perspectives
Cullet, Philippe, (eds.) and Stephan, Raya Marina, (eds.) (2018). Abingdon; New York: Routledge. (Routledge Special Issues on Water Policy and Governance)
Cullet, Philippe (2024). In: Khair, Sumaiya, (eds.), Alam, Shawkat, (eds.) and Haque, Muhammad Ekramul, (eds.), Implementation of Sustainable Development in the Global South: Strategies, Innovations and Challenges. London: Hart, pp 85-100
Cullet, Philippe (2024). In: Bourgeois-Gironde, Sacha, (eds.), Misonne, Delphine, (eds.) and de Clippele, Marie-Sophie, (eds.), Dictionnaire des droits de la nature. Presses Universitaires de France
Promesses et limites de la reconnaissance des droits de la nature: Le cas des décisions attribuant la personnalité juridique au Gange et à la Yamuna
Cullet, Philippe (2024). In: Boisson de Chazournes, Laurence, (ed.), L'effectivité du droit international face à l'urgence écologique. Paris: Collège de France, pp 167-188
Cullet, Philippe, Bhullar, Lovleen and Koonan, Sujith (2024). In: Cullet, Philippe, (eds.), Bhullar, Lovleen, (eds.) and Koonan, Sujith, (eds.), The Oxford Handbook of Environmental and Natural Resources Law in India. Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp 1-16
SDG 10: Reduce Inequality Within and Among Countries
Cullet, Philippe (2022). In: Ebbesson, Jonas, (eds.) and Hey, Ellen, (eds.), The Cambridge Handbook of the Sustainable Development Goals and International Law. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp 258-280
Cullet, Philippe (2021). In: Fitzmaurice, Malgosia, (eds.), Brus, MMTA, (eds.) and Merkouris, Panos, (eds.), Research Handbook on International Environmental Law, 2nd edition. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, pp 209-228
Cullet, Philippe (2021). In: Rajamani, Lavanya, (eds.) and Peel, Jacqueline, (eds.), Oxford Handbook of International Environmental Law, 2nd editon. Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp 319-334
Cullet, Philippe (2021). In: Kharchandy, David Arnold, (eds.) and Nongrum, Kwilly, (eds.), Understanding Water Crisis. New Delhi: Lakshi Publishers, pp xix-xxi
Groundwater Law and Management in India: From an Elitist to an Egalitarian Paradigm
Cullet, Philippe (2021). In: Khan, Sarfaraz Ahmed, (eds.), Puthucherril, Tony George, (eds.) and Paul, Sanu Rani, (eds.), From Elite to Egalitarian: The Changing Landscape of Groundwater Law in India. Singapore: Springer Nature, pp 337-347
Cullet, Philippe (2020). In: Basak, Chiradeep, (eds.), Sharma, Devapreeti, (eds.), Bhattacharyya, Krishangee, (eds.) and Karmih, Lidia K., (eds.), In Pursuit of Climate Resilience. Guwahati: National Law University and Judicial Academy, Assam, pp vii-ix
Introduction to the Research Handbook on Law, Environment and the Global South
Cullet, Philippe and Koonan, Sujith (2019). In: Cullet, Philippe, (eds.) and Koonan, Sujith, (eds.), Research Handbook on Law, Environment and the Global South. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, pp xvi-xxvi
Water Law and Development: Comparative Perspectives
Cullet, Philippe (2019). In: Kameri-Mbote, Patricia, (eds.) and Odote, Collins, (eds.), Blazing the Trail: Professor Charles Okidi’s Enduring Legacy in the Development of Environmental Law. Nairobi: University of Nairobi, pp 378-392
The Right to Sanitation – Multiple Dimensions and Challenges
Cullet, Philippe (2019). In: Cullet, Philippe, (eds.), Koonan, Sujith, (eds.) and Bhullar, Lovleen, (eds.), Right to Sanitation in India – Critical Perspectives. Oxford University Press, pp 75-110
Cullet, Philippe, Koonan, Sujith and Bhullar, Lovleen (2019). In: Cullet, Philippe, (eds.), Koonan, Sujith, (eds.) and Bhullar, Lovleen, (eds.), The Right to Sanitation in India – Critical Perspectives. Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp 1-10
Cullet, Philippe (2018). In: Conca, Ken, (eds.) and Weinthal, Erika, (eds.), Oxford Handbook of Water Politics and Policy. Oxford University Press, pp 327-350
The Right to Water in Rural India and Drinking Water Policy Reforms
Cullet, Philippe (2017). In: Langford, Malcolm, (eds.) and Russell, Anna S.F., (eds.), The Human Right to Water: Theory, Practice and Prospects. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp 644-676
Water Law and Policy in India: Background and Overview
Cullet, Philippe and Koonan, Sujith (2017). In: Cullet, Philippe, (eds.) and Koonan, Sujith, (eds.), Water Law in India: An Introduction to Legal Instruments. Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp 1-20
Human Rights and Climate Change – Broadening the Right to Environment
Cullet, Philippe (2016). In: Carlarne, Cinnamon, (eds.), Gray, Kevin, (eds.) and Tarasofsky, Richard, (eds.), The Oxford Handbook of International Climate Change Law. Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp 499-519
International Water Norms and Principles – Impacts on Law and Policy Development in India
Cullet, Philippe (2016). In: Bussani, Mauro, (eds.) and Heckendorn Urscheler, Lukas, (eds.), Comparisons in Legal Development – The Impact of Foreign and International Law on National Legal Systems. Zürich: Schulthess, pp 55-72
Cullet, Philippe and Bhullar, Lovleen (2015). In: Cullet, Philippe, (eds.) and Bhullar, Lovleen, (eds.), Sanitation Law and Policy in India – An Introduction to Basic Instruments. Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp 6-16
Principle 7 – Common but Differentiated Responsibilities
Cullet, Philippe (2015). In: Viñuales, Jorge E., (ed.), The Rio Declaration on Environment and Development: A Commentary. Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp 229-244
Water Regulation and Public Participation in the Indian Context
Cullet, Philippe (2015). In: Tignino, Mara, (ed.), Public Participation and Water Resources Management – Where Do We Stand in International Law?. Paris: UNESCO, pp 20-29
Governing the Environment without CoPs – The Case of Water
Cullet, Philippe (2015). In: Fitzmaurice, Malgosia, (eds.) and French, Duncan, (eds.), International Environmental Law and Governance. Leiden: Brill, pp 143-156
The Human Right to Water in Rural India – Promises and Challenges
Cullet, Philippe (2014). In: Stern, Steve, (eds.) and Straus, Scott, (eds.), The Human Rights Paradox – Universality and Its Discontents. Madison: University of Wisconsin Press, pp 204-223
A Meandering Jurisprudence of the Court – The Evolving Case Law Related to Water
Cullet, Philippe (2014). In: Suresh, Mayur, (eds.) and Narrain, Siddharth, (eds.), The Shifting Scales of Justice: The Supreme Court in Neo-liberal India. New Delhi: Orient Blackswan, pp 139-161
The Human Right to Water in Rural India – Promises and Challenges
Cullet, Philippe (2014). In: Stern, Steve, (eds.) and Straus, Scott, (eds.), The Human Rights Paradox – Universality and Its Discontents. United States: University of Wisconsin Press, pp 204-223
Cullet, Philippe (2012). In: Geall, Sam, (eds.), Liu, Jingjing, (eds.) and Pellissery, Sony, (eds.), The Berkshire Encyclopedia of Sustainability, Vol. 7: China, India, and East and Southeast Asia: Assessing Sustainability. Great Barrington, MA: Berkshire Publishing, pp 393-395
Evolving Regulatory Framework for Rural Drinking Water – Need for Further Reforms
Cullet, Philippe (2011). India Infrastructure Report 2011 – Water: Policy and Performance for Sustainable Development. New Delhi: Oxford University Press, pp 151-161
Cullet, Philippe (2010). In: Cullet, Philippe, (eds.), Gowlland-Gualtieri, Alix, (eds.), Madhav, Roopa, (eds.) and Ramanathan, Usha, (eds.), Water Governance in Motion: Towards Socially and Environmentally Sustainable Water Laws. New Delhi: Cambridge University Press, pp 26-52
Cullet, Philippe (2010). In: Faundez, Julio, (eds.) and Tan, Celine, (eds.), International Law, Economic Globalization and Developing Countries. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, pp 354-378
Introduction to Water Governance in Motion: Towards Socially and Environmentally Sustainable Water Laws
Cullet, Philippe (2010). In: Cullet, Philippe, (eds.), Gowlland-Gualtieri, Alix, (eds.), Madhav, Roopa, (eds.) and Ramanathan, Usha, (eds.), Water Governance in Motion: Towards Socially and Environmentally Sustainable Water Laws. New Delhi: Cambridge University Press, pp 1-8
Cullet, Philippe (2010). In: Fitzmaurice, Malgosia, (eds.), Ong, David M., (eds.) and Merkouris, Panos, (eds.), Research Handbook on International Environmental Law. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, pp 161-181
Cullet, Philippe (2009). In: Cullet, Philippe, (eds.), Gowlland-Gualtieri, Alix, (eds.), Madhav, Roopa, (eds.) and Ramanathan, Usha, (eds.), Water Law for the Twenty-first Century: National and International Aspects of Water Law Reforms in India. Abingdon: Routledge, pp 160-181
Cullet, Philippe and Gupta, Joyeeta (2009). In: Joseph W., Dellapenna, (eds.) and Gupta, Joyeeta, (eds.), The Evolution of the Law and Politics of Water. Berlin; London: Springer Academic Publishers, pp 157-173
Environmental Justice in the Use and Exploitation of Genetic Resources
Cullet, Philippe (2009). In: Ebbesson, Jonas, (eds.) and Okowa, Phoebe, (eds.), Environmental Law and Justice in Context. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp 371-389
Introduction to Water Law for the Twenty-first Century: National and International Aspects of Water Law Reforms in India
Cullet, Philippe, Gowlland-Gualtieri, Alix and Madhav, Roopa (2009). In: Cullet, Philippe, (eds.), Gowlland-Gualtieri, Alix, (eds.), Madhav, Roopa, (eds.) and Ramanathan, Usha, (eds.), Water Law for the Twenty-first Century: National and International Aspects of Water Law Reforms in India. Abingdon: Routledge, pp 1-7
Cullet, Philippe (2009). In: Kütting, Gabriela, (ed.), Conventions, Treaties and other Responses to Global Issues - Volume 1. Oxford: EOLSS/UNESCO, pp 194-210
Cullet, Philippe, Gowlland-Gualtieri, Alix and Madhav, Roopa (2009). In: Cullet, Philippe, (eds.), Gowlland-Gualtieri, Alix, (eds.), Madhav, Roopa, (eds.) and Ramanathan, Usha, (eds.), Water Law for the Twenty-first Century: National and International Aspects of Water Law Reforms in India. Abingdon: Routledge, pp 311-316
Rethinking the Legal Regime for Climate Change: The Human Rights and Equity Imperative
Cullet, Philippe (2009). In: Böhm, Steffen, (eds.) and Dabhi, Siddhartha, (eds.), Upsetting the Offset – The Political Economy of Carbon Markets. London: MayFly Books, pp 292-306
Cullet, Philippe (2007). In: Eberhard, Christoph, (ed.), Law, Land Use and the Environment - Afro-Indian Dialogues. Pondicherry: Institut français, pp 497-526
International Property Protection and Sustainable Development – Towards a Common African Institutional Framework and Strategy
Cullet, Philippe and Kameri-Mbote, Patricia (2007). In: Veena, V., (ed.), Intellectual Property Rights - An Overview. Hyderabad: ICFAI University Press, pp 28-98
Flanking Policies in National and International Law
Cullet, Philippe, Biber-Klemm, S., Germann, C., Müller, Andrea Nascimento and Curci, J. (2006). In: Biber-Klemm, S., (eds.) and Cottier, Thomas, (eds.), Rights to Plant Genetic Resources and Traditional Knowledge: Basic Issues and Perspectives. Wallingford: CABI, pp 239-279
Cullet, Philippe, Biber-Klemm, S. and Kummer Peiry, K. (2006). In: Biber-Klemm, S., (eds.) and Cottier, Thomas, (eds.), Rights to Plant Genetic Resources and Traditional Knowledge: Basic Issues and Perspectives. Wallingford: CABI, pp 283-323
The Current Law of Plant Genetic Resources and Traditional Knowledge
Cullet, Philippe, Biber-Klemm, S., Cottier, Thomas and Szymura, D. (2006). In: Biber-Klemm, S., (eds.) and Cottier, Thomas, (eds.), Rights to Plant Genetic Resources and Traditional Knowledge: Basic Issues and Perspectives. Wallingford: CABI, pp 56-111
Intellectual Property Rights, Plant Genetic Resources and Traditional Knowledge
Cullet, Philippe, Germann, C., Müller, Andrea Nascimento and Pasadilla, G. (2006). In: Biber-Klemm, S., (eds.) and Cottier, Thomas, (eds.), Rights to Plant Genetic Resources and Traditional Knowledge: Basic Issues and Perspectives. Wallingford: CABI, pp 112-154
Cullet, Philippe and Gowlland-Gualtieri, Alix (2005). In: Brown Weiss, E, (eds.), Boisson, L, (eds.) and Bernasconi-Osterwalder, N, (eds.), Fresh Water and International Economic Law. Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp 303-330
Cullet, Philippe (2003). In: Hatchard, John, (eds.) and Perry, A, (eds.), Law and Development: Facing Complexity in the 21st Century. London: Cavendish, pp 78-98
Cullet, Philippe (2002). In: Anderson, Michael R., (eds.) and Galizzi, Paolo, (eds.), International Environmental Law in National Courts. London: British Institute of International and Comparative Law, pp 195-215
Intellectual Property and Environment: Impacts of the TRIPS Agreement on Environmental Law Making in India
Cullet, Philippe (2002). In: Biermann, Frank, (ed.), Proceedings of the 2001 Berlin Conference on the Human Dimensions of Global Environmental Change "Global Environmental Change and the Nation State". Germany: Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research, pp 26-30