Hindi Beginners Course

Key information
- Duration
- 1 term per sub-level; 10 weeks per term
- Attendance mode
- Part-time, online/blended learning
Course overview
Course aim
This course provides a thorough introduction to contemporary Hindi. This course is designed for students who want a structured course of tuition in the language. It starts with a gentle introduction to the language and prepares students for some new social or practical situations whilst also gradually introducing grammar. As the course progresses, it aims to provide you with further confidence and vocabulary to discuss more complex topics, write and read more challenging texts in the language. This course is delivered by the Language Centre.
The course is taught in English and Hindi with coverage of the four key skills (speaking, listening, reading and writing), and a good balance between communicative activities, structure practice and grammar. Students are encouraged to start speaking the language from the outset, and exercises are set that require pair work and group activities. You are expected to attend regularly, participate in class and complete homework regularly to ensure learning progress.
This will be achieved through 20 hours of blended learning: this is composed of 15 hours of online structured lessons with the teacher. This is supplemented by a minimum of 5 hours of guided independent learning supported by complementary material. The course objective will be achieved within the course.
The course will be based on the textbook: Snell, R. (2014) Get Started in Hindi (2nd Ed. + CDs). Teach Yourself Books: London.
The textbook is not included in the course fee. We strongly recommend waiting until your course is confirmed before purchasing the textbook
Entry requirements and progression route
You need no prior knowledge in the language to enrol on Hindi Beginners 1. If you wish to join Hindi Beginners 2 or 3, you should have completed Beginners 1 and 2 respectively at SOAS Language Centre or have an equivalent knowledge of guided learning hours (20 hours blended learning per sub-level). The progression route from Hindi Beginners 1 is to Hindi Beginners 2; from Beginners 2 to Beginners 3. Upon successful completion of Hindi Beginners 3 you will be able to progress to the Elementary level course in Hindi.
Please note, that each term, courses are subject to quorum requirements.
For course dates and information, please see our timetables.
Hindi Beginners 1
By the end of the course you should be able to:
- spell out words
- be aware and use the Hindi writing system
- greet and introduce yourself and others
- ask and give personal information
- talk about your family
- talk about interests and hobbies
- describe people and places
- order food and drink at a restaurant
- buy food and objects
- give instructions, commands
- use numbers 1-40
- talk about your daily routine
- describe things using colours
Hindi Beginners 2
By the end of the course you should be able to:
- ask and give personal information
- describe your daily routine in present and past
- talk about skills, simple desires
- talk about likes and dislikes
- say what you can or can’t do
- describe people
- make comparisons
- specify places and times
- describe what is happening right now
- add emphasis when expressing something
- ask and tell the time
- talk about dates
- discuss opinions
- talk about relationships
- use numbers up to 100
Hindi Beginners 3
By the end of the course you should be able to:
- describe your daily routine
- dalk about travelling and going on holidays
- ask for and give directions
- make future plans
- express hesitation and uncertainty
- express possible condition and its probable result
- express agreement/disagreement
- describe past events
- talk about possibilities
- talk about means of transport
- talk about leisure time and hobbies
- book accommodation
- identify parts of the body
- describe aches and pains and illness
The above is an indication of content that may be covered over the duration of the course but it could vary depending on the level and progress of students in the class.
Contact us
Important notice regarding changes to programmes and modules.
Related information
See the full list of Language Centre short courses in Hindi on the Hindi language homepage.