Accepting, deferring, or declining an offer
How can I reply to my offer?
You must reply to our offer online via the submit your reply link in your offer letter.
Kindly note that if you confirm your acceptance or decline by email, you must also confirm it online via the application system.
I am considering deferring my place. How may I do so?
If you wish to defer your place to the following academic year then please make your request in writing to stating the reason(s) why you wish to defer.
Deferral requests are considered for the following academic year only. If you cannot attend you will need to submit a fresh application. First deferrals are normally approved but are not guaranteed.
There is no need to submit a new application when requesting a deferral but you might be asked to provide updated information such as a new, statement, or evidence of English language proficiency (if relevant).
Once a deferral request has been approved the admissions team will process a new offer letter for the following year only after the current enrolment session has been completed.
Please note that course options are subject to changes and you will need to refer to the SOAS website to check what courses will be on offer for the next academic year.
If you are an international student considering a deferral of your place to 2024 please read the UKCISA news item about changes to the Student visa rules. These changes may affect you if you wish to bring your family to the UK during your programme. Contact the Student Advice Service if you have questions about this change
I have accepted my offer. What's next?
Those requiring a student visa will need to submit a CAS request. If you have a conditional offer, you must provide us with evidence to meet the condition(s) set in your offer letter.
Enrolment information will be sent in August. In the meantime, you can refer to the Welcome Week page