
Hidden Histories of Land and Sea

Key information

SOAS Library
Wolfson Gallery
Event type

About this event

SOAS Library is delighted to host a new project by Thembi Mutch, a Research Fellow at SOAS University of London, whose focus is Anglo-South African global studies. 

Comprising of over 40 photographs Hidden Histories is a collaborative oral history project, recording the knowledge, skills and aspirations of Tanga people on the coast of  Tanzania, in East Africa. Including a range of other material, the display includes interviews with a selection of 10 people with very different perspectives about life in Tanga.

Focusing on a specific area which has been earmarked for a large port, oil and gas pipeline, and possible processing centre, the project seeks to raise the profile of these fragile maritime communities and eco-systems that will be destroyed if the construction goes ahead.

Find out more

You can discover more from this rich and well researched Hidden Histories blog about early Arabic influences, the empire, and accessible teachers’ resources that relate to the empire, British colonialism, and the recollections of slavery practices from Tanzanians.