Political Resistance: Bangladesh' Palestine Policy

Key information

6:00 pm
SOAS, University of London
S312 (Paul Webley Wing)

About this event


Journeying from early day political support for Palestine under the direction of Sheikh Mujib, to the well publicised 'All Countries Except Israel' and onto the support of South Africa's ICJ case, we will follow the path of political resistance from Bangladesh in support of Palestine.

Furthermore, the latest from humanitarian response on the ground in Gaza, as well as community organising on behalf of Palestine from the Tik Tok generation will be explored to bring a holistic understanding and appreciation for past and present political resistance from Bengalis and others around the world.

Keynote speaker

Mabrur Ahmed has been one of the spearheading genocide and refugee experts speaking at international symposiums, university conferences, lectures and seminars. From facilitating mainstream media (Channel 4, Al Jazeera, CNN & BBC ), releasing unseen footage, contributing towards emergency relief across Asia, leading social media pressure towards despotic governance and military and making an impact on policy for the UK and EU governments - Mabrur Ahmed has been passionately championing the rights of marginalised communities for over a decade. His recent work includes research and advocacy for human rights freedoms in India in particular in Assam and Panjab, in Bangladesh, Ethiopia, water projects in West Africa and mobilising relief efforts across Palestine for the last six years.

Opening speech/Chair

Dr Subir Sinha, Director, SOAS South Asia InstituteNooruddin Ahmed, Chair, 7th  March Foundation

The event is a collaboration between 7th March Foundation and SOAS South Asia Institute