Symposium: Translation, Literature, representation in Japan-related research (Event language is Japanese)

Key information

8:00 am to 10:30 am
Virtual Event

About this event

Start times outside UK: 15:00 (China), and 16:00 (Japan)


This is a free event. Please register online by 2 June.

Platform: Teams

Organized by International Research Centre for Japanese Studies , Nankai University, and SOAS University of London

Hosted by SOAS Centre for Translation Studies

Presenters and presentation titles:

(1) Nana Sato-Rossberg/佐藤=ロスべアグ・ナナ (SOAS, University of London)

Translating Cultures in a Pandemic/パンデミック禍における文化翻訳

(2) Liu Yuzhen/劉雨珍(Nankai University 南開大学 外国語学院)

The Chinese Poetry Responsory on admiring cherry blossoms between the first Qing China Envoys in Japan and the Japanese poets/清朝初代駐日公使館員と日本文人の花見唱和詩

(3) Hiroshi Araki /荒木浩 (International Research Centre for Japanese Studies国際日本文化研究センター)

Translation of the biography of Buddha and Christians/ブッダ伝の翻訳とキリシタン―不干斎ハビ アンをめぐる南伝仏教の情報

(4) Yu Xuejian/虞雪健(Soken-dai, Kyoto 総合研究大学院大学)

Reception of the 'pillow in Kantan' in The First Dream: The Pillow of Kantan./黒本『初夢かんたんの枕』における「邯鄲の枕」 受容―唐人行列による異国イメージ―

(5) Cui Xueting/崔雪婷(Nankai University 南開大学 外国語学院)

The portrayal of Lu Xun in “Shanghai Moon”:A Study Based on Inoue Hisashi’s Manuscript/戯曲「シャンハイムーン」 における魯迅像の生成——井上ひさしの創作原稿を中心に

(6) Filippo Cervelli/フィリッポ•チェルヴェッリ (SOAS. University of London)

Saved by the Nerd: Otaku and the Space of Family in Summer Wars /ナード•ザ救世主–「サマーウォーズ」 に於けるオタクと家族の空間


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