Professor in Comparative Politics (with special reference to Taiwan) Professor Dafydd Fell Contemporary Taiwanese Politics: Elections, Parties, Democratization
Dr Charlotte Goodburn Dr Charlotte Goodburn completed her PhD in the Department of Land Economy at Cambridge, and holds a BA (in History) and an MPhil (in Contemporary Chinese Studies), also from Cambridge .
Dr Nahee Kang Dr Kang is an economic sociologist working in the field of political economy of development.
Reader in Comparative Politics and Development Studies Professor Tat Yan Kong Comparative Political Economy (East Asia): varieties of capitalism; socialist to market transitions; Security on the Korean Peninsula, Development Theory
Professor of Economics Professor Costas Lapavitsas Theory of banking and finance, History of economic thought, Japanese financial system.
Professor Ramon Pacheco Pardo Dr. Pacheco Pardo is a Lecturer in the fields of International Relations and International Political Economy.
Dr Andy Sumner Andy Sumner is a Reader in International Development and Co-Director of King’s International Development Institute, King’s College London.
Professor of Economics Professor Ulrich Volz International Finance, Open Economy Macroeconomics, Financial Market Development and Stability, Development and Transition Economics, Global Economic Governance, East Asian Financial Markets
Reader in Comparative Politics of Southeast Asia Dr Michael Buehler Comparative Politics, Elections and Party Politics, Islam, Local Politics, Southeast Asian Politics, particularly Indonesia, Public Policy
Senior Lecturer in International Business & Management (China) Dr Eunsuk Hong Foreign Direct Investment, Emerging-Market Multinationals, Applied spatial econometrics, Chinese management/economy
Lecturer in China and International Politics Dr Yuka Kobayashi Trade and investment, human rights, environment, technology, with reference to China and East Asia.
Reader in Economics Dr Dic Lo China and globalisation, Industrialisation, Soviet-type economic system and transformation, East Asian economic institutions and development, Comparative political economy. China.
Lecturer in Law Dr Gaofeng Meng Property Law, Contract Law, Company Law, Chinese Law, Law and Economics, Law and Development, Social-legal Studies, Human Rights
Dr Zhiyuan Simon Tan Dr. Zhiyuan Simon Tan is Lecturer in Accounting, Accountability and Financial Management at King's College London.