School of Law, Gender and Media
Reader in Law, History and Anthropology
School of Law, Gender and Media
Equalities Lead
School of Law, Gender and Media
Director of Research
Centre for Ottoman Studies
Advisory Board Member
Centre of South East Asian Studies
Centre of African Studies
Centre for the Study of Colonialism, Empire and International Law
Centre for Law in Asia
Vanja Hamzić is Reader in Law, History and Anthropology at SOAS University of London. He holds two First Class Honours degrees from the University of Sarajevo, an LLM with Distinction from the University of Nottingham and a PhD from King’s College London. He has worked as an activist and researcher with various international and civil society organisations in South and South East Asia, Europe, the Middle East and West and South Africa. Before coming to SOAS, Dr Hamzić held academic posts at City, University of London and King’s College London.
The bulk of Dr Hamzić’s legal, anthropological and historical research addresses issues in human subjectivity formation—especially those related to gender, sexual, class, race, linguistic and religious difference—with the principal fieldwork sites in Pakistan, Indonesia, Senegal and Louisiana. While the focus of Dr Hamzić’s work has been, for quite some time, the Islamic legal tradition, both in its historical and present-day diversity, he is also interested in how some of its strands have influenced (and, in some cases, moulded into) other South Asian, South East Asian, West African and circum-Atlantic traditions. Dr Hamzić’s work to date has particularly sought to shed new light on how gender non-conforming individuals and communities—such as khwajasara in Pakistan, waria and others in Indonesia as well as numerous historical identitary formations across West Africa—have braved the turbulent tides of racial capitalism, colonialism, slavery and other legally-sanctioned oppression and how, in turn, they have developed and abided by multiple formations of insurrectionary vernacular knowledge (about themselves and the world at large). It is this knowledge and being-in-the-world—often preserved in oral traditions, rites of passage and rituals of the everyday—that has survived not only the epistemic and literal violence of the nation-state and its legal institutions, but the sustained ‘will to disappear’ in the colonial and post-colonial archive, too.
Dr Hamzić is also interested in, and has contributed to, current transnational debates on legal and social theory, human rights, racial capitalism, Marxism(s), decolonial and postcolonial studies, the Cold War, feminist and queer legal theories, the ‘archival turn’ across disciplines, global law/governance studies, social anthropology and philosophy. In this context, he has written about alegality, distemporality, legal violence, Third World feminisms and queer theory, homeliness, touch, Muslim Marxism, the unknowable, the Lacanian Real and other critical concepts.
Dr Hamzić’s current book-length project addresses gender-nonconformity and cosmological and legal pluralism in eighteenth-century Senegambia as well as the ways enslaved gender-variant West Africans have survived the Middle Passage and ‘New World’ gender regimes, in particular that of colonial (i.e., first French and then Spanish) Louisiana. The project seeks to develop an interruptive approach to circum-Atlantic colonial and postcolonial history-making and to critically address the question of archival silences.
Dr Hamzić is one of the Co-Directors of the Centre for the study of Colonialism, Empire and International Law; a co-founder and former Co-Chair of the Centre for Ottoman Studies; a member of the Steering Committee of the Centre for Gender Studies; and a member of a number of other SOAS research centres. He was an Associate Director of Research at SOAS (2019-2022), where he also contributes to a range of institutional efforts as an elected member of the Academic Senate at the Academic Board and a member of the Decolonising SOAS Working Group. Externally, Dr Hamzić served for a long time as a core faculty member of the Institute for Global Law and Policy at Harvard University, and he is an Associate Academic Fellow of the Honourable Society of the Inner Temple. In the academic year 2016–17, he was a Residential Member of the School of Social Science in the Institute for Advanced Study at Princeton.
Securing Women’s Rights: A Critical Analysis of the Legal and Institutional Initiatives in the Elimination of Violence Against Women in Post-2001 Afghanistan
Preface to Special Edition: Islamic Law and Empire
Abbasi, Muhammad Zubair, Ayoub, Samy, Hamzić, Vanja, Samour, Nahed and Yahaya, Nurfadzilah, 2018, Yearbook of Islamic and Middle Eastern Law (Special issue: 'Islamic Law and Empire') (19), pp 3-9
Base-line Study on Faith-based Development in Bosnia and Herzegovina: Challenges of Non-patriarchal Communities and Approach / Osnovna studija o vjerskom razvoju u Bosni i Hercegovini: Izazov vanpatrijarhalnih zajednica i pristupa
Rival Systems: Islamic International Law during the Cold War
Hamzić, Vanja (2024). In: Craven, Matthew, (eds.), Pahuja, Sundhya, (eds.) and Simpson, Gerry, (eds.), International Law during the Cold War, 1945-1990. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press
Labors in Time and Subjectivity: Gender Nonconformity and Racial Capitalism in the Making of Eighteenth-Century New Orleans
Hamzić, Vanja (2023). In: Engle, Karen, (eds.) and Hoad, Neville, (eds.), Beyond Inequality: New Paradigms for Assessing the Future of Work. New York: Columbia University Press
Hamzić, Vanja (2023). In: Anghie, Anthony, (eds.), Chimni, BS, (eds.), Fakhri, Michael, (eds.) and Nesiah, Vasuki, (eds.), Handbook of Third World Approaches to International Law. London: Edward Elgar
Kvir i trans muslimanske hermeneutike budućeg: Mikrokozmička istrajavanja na putu zajedništva
Hamzić, Vanja (2023). In: Kristić, Alen, (ed.), (Pro)vokacija LGBTQA+ vjernica i vjernika: Pledoaje za dijalog vjerskih zajednica i LGBTQA+ zajednice. Sarajevo: Sarajevski otvoreni centar
Hamzić, Vanja (2019). In: Craven, Matthew, (eds.), Pahuja, Sundhya, (eds.) and Gerry, Simpson, (eds.), International Law and the Cold War. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp 447-466
A Renaissance Interrupted? Debating Personhood through a Sexual Act in the Twelfth-Century Christianate and Islamicate Worlds
Hamzić, Vanja (2018). In: Schmidtke, Sabine, (ed.), Studying the Near and Middle East at the Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton, 1935-2018. Piscataway, NJ: Gorgias Press, pp 308-321
Mir-Said Sultan-Galiev and the Idea of Muslim Marxism: Empire, Third World(s) and Praxis
Hamzić, Vanja (2018). In: Natarajan, Usha, (eds.), Reynolds, John, (eds.), Bhatia, Amar, (eds.) and Xavier, Sujith, (eds.), Third World Approaches to International Law: On Praxis and the Intellectual. London: Routledge, pp 105-118
Alegality: Outside and Beyond the Legal Logic of Late Capitalism
Hamzić, Vanja (2017). In: Brabazon, H, (ed.), Neoliberal Legality: Understanding the Role of Law in the Neoliberal Project. Abingdon: Routledge, pp 190-209
Selfhood and Archipelago in Indonesia: A Case for Human Polyversality
Hamzić, Vanja (2017). In: Sircar, O., (eds.) and Jain, P., (eds.), New Intimacies / Old Desires: Law, Culture and Queer Politics in Neoliberal Times. New Delhi: Zubaan Books; Chicago University Press, pp 235-252
An Interstice of Justice?: Muslim Experiences of Sexual and Gender Diversity between Human Rights Law and Islamic Legal Tradition
Hamzić, Vanja (2012). In: Holzhacker, R, (eds.) and Lahey, K, (eds.), Global Rights, Global Movements: International Law, Transnational Activism, and the Critical Role of Civil Society. New York: New York University Press, pp 121-152
Legal Production of Racial Capitalism: Botany, International Law and Senegambia in Eighteenth-Century Worldmaking
Hamzić, Vanja(2023). In: ‘Legal Production of Racial Capitalism’ Roundtable, Law and Society Association’s Annual Meeting, June 2023 :San Juan, Puerto Rico
Dis-temporal Re-distributions: Worldings beyond the Racial Capitalist Gender Binary in Eighteenth-Century Senegambia and Colonial Louisiana
Hamzić, Vanja(2023). In: Gender and Political Economy Roundtable II: ‘Transnational and Comparative Perspectives’, Law and Society Association’s Annual Meeting, June 2023 :San Juan, Puerto Rico
Temporal Refuges and Interruptions: Racial Capitalism and Cosmological and Gender Nonconformity in Eighteenth- Century Senegambia and Colonial Louisiana
Hamzić, Vanja(2022). In: Gender and Political Economy Roundtable III: ‘Transnational and Comparative Perspectives’, Law and Society Association’s Global Meeting, July 2022 :Instituto Universitário de Lisboa
Approaching Resistance to the Racial Capitalist Gender Binary in Eighteenth-Century Senegambia and Colonial Louisiana: Quandaries and Inspiration
Hamzić, Vanja(2022). In: ‘Law, Capital, Slavery, Personhood: New Perspectives on Racial Capitalism’ Roundtable, Law and Society Association’s Global Meeting, Instituto Universitário de Lisboa
Life-making and the Feminist Otherwise: Discussant’s Responses
Hamzić, Vanja(2022). In: ‘Provincializing Euro-American Feminism’ Panel, Law and Society Association’s Global Meeting, July 2022 :Instituto Universitário de Lisboa
Labours in Time and Subjectivity: Gender Nonconformity and Racial Capitalism in the Making of Eighteenth- Century New Orleans
Hamzić, Vanja(2022). In: ‘Law, Personhood and Racial Capitalism in the History of Empire’ Panel, Legal Histories of Empire Conference, June 2022 :Maynooth University, Ireland
Temporal Refuges and Interruptions: Racial Capitalism and Cosmological and Gender Nonconformity in Eighteenth-Century Senegambia and Colonial Louisiana
Hamzić, Vanja(2022). In: Panel III: ‘Rethinking Capital’s Other? Religion/Race/Law’, Histories of Capitalism and Race Workshop, June 2022 :SOAS University of London
Islamic Law, the Private Sphere, State Policy and Transformations
Hamzić, Vanja(2021). In: Gender and Private International Law Workshop, May 2021 :Max Planck Institute for Comparative and International Private Law, Hamburg
E.P. Thompson, the Railway and the Potential of Radical Care
Hamzić, Vanja(2020). In: Race and Law in the Time of COVID-19, July 2020 :Centre for the study of Colonialism, Empire and International Law, SOAS University of London
Worldings of "Us" and of Tumbleweeds: On Spillage and Matter in a Messy, Intersubjective Here (and Elsewhere)
Hamzić, Vanja(2020). In: Thinking Like Tumbleweeds: Bodily Genres and the Vitality of Beings at Large, RAI2020: Anthropology and Geography: Dialogues Past, Present and Future, June 2020 :SOAS University of London
Hamzić, Vanja(2020). In: Feminism and Materialism in International Relations, International Studies Association Annual Convention, March 2020 :Honolulu, HI, USA
Binaries, Intersected: The Trouble of Global Governance in Post-colonial Mali
Hamzić, Vanja(2019). In: discussion on Vasuki Nesiah’s ‘Trigger: Gender as Tool and Weapon’, Inaugural Annual Lecture on Gender Studies and Law, October 2019 :SOAS University of London
Thinking like Tumbleweeds: Bodily Genres and the Vitality of Beings at Large
HadžiMuhamedović, Safet, Heathcote, Gina, Hamzić, Vanja and Jones, Emily(2019). In: RAI2020: Anthropology and Geography: Dialogues Past, Present and Future, 4-7 June 2020 :SOAS University of London
The Wordsmiths of Time: Gender Variance, Social Status and Distemporalities in “Eighteenth-Century” Greater Senegambia
Hamzić, Vanja(2019). In: Panel on Distemporalities: Collisions, Insurrections and Reorientations in the Worlding of Time, On Time: The Biennial Conference of the Finnish Anthropological Society, August 2019 :Helsinki, Finland
A Turn to Governance: Feminist Conundrums and Pakistan’s Neoliberal Future Past
Hamzić, Vanja(2019). In: Panel on Feminist Theories and Epistemologies from the Global South, Symposium on Critical Approaches to International Law, August 2019 :Griffith College Dublin, Ireland
Interruption: Rethinking Circum-Atlantic Gender Variance of the Enslaved in Eighteenth-Century West Africa and Colonial Louisiana
Hamzić, Vanja(2019). In: Roundtable Session on Critical Directions: On Gender, Law and Intersectional Subjectivities, Law and Society Association Annual Conference, May 2019 :Washington, DC, USA
Arendt in New Orleans: On Violence, Power and Insurrectionary Pasts
Hamzić, Vanja(2019). In: Panel on Hannah Arendt: On Violence, Power and Revolution, Law and Society Association Annual Conference, May 2019 :Washington, DC, USA
Distemporalities: Collisions, Insurrections and Reorientations in the Worlding of Time
HadžiMuhamedović, Safet and Hamzić, Vanja(2019). In: On Time: Biennial Conference of the Finnish Anthropological Society, 29–30 Aug 2019 :University of Helsinki
Re-Gendering the Ɲamakalaw: Empire, Personhood and Violence in Eighteenth-Century Greater Senegambia
Hamzić, Vanja(2019). In: GenderX: Transnational and Decolonial Perspectives on and beyond the Gender Binary, May 2019 :Centre for Gender Studies, SOAS University of London
Hamzić, Vanja(2018). In: IGLP Conference: Law in Global Political Economy: Heterodoxy Now, June 2018 :Institute for Global Law and Policy, Harvard Law School, Cambridge, MA, USA
Archival Violence: Or, How to (Un)Archive the Lifeworlds of Eighteenth-Century Enslaved Gender-Variant West Africans
Hamzić, Vanja(2018). In: IGLP Conference: Law in Global Political Economy: Heterodoxy Now, June 2018 :Institute for Global Law and Policy, Harvard Law School, Cambridge, MA, USA
A Renaissance Interrupted?: Personhood, “Sodomy” and the Public in Twelfth-Century Christian and Islamic Proto-Civil Legality
Hamzić, Vanja(2018). In: “Le public en droit privé”, March 2018 :2016-2018 Civil Law Workshops series, Paul-André Crépeau Centre for Private and Comparative Law, McGill University, Montréal, Canada
Whither the Law and the State in Southeast Asian Histories?
Hamzić, Vanja(2018). In: The IGLP Asian Regional Workshop, Institute for Global Law and Policy, Harvard Law School, January 2017, Bangkok, Thailand. [Unpublished], January 2018 :Institute for Global Law and Policy, Harvard Law School, Bangkok, Thailand
Hamzić, Vanja(2017). In: International Human Rights and Freedom: Possibilities, Epistemologies, Legacies and Alternatives, October-November 2017 :Queen Mary University of London, London, UK
'Thinking Home’s Homes: An Interdisciplinary Encounter'
Hamzić, Vanja and Painter, Genevieve(2017). In: Walls, Borders and Bridges: Law and Society in an Inter-Connected World, International Meeting, Law and Society Association, June 2017 :Mexico City, Mexico
Hamzić, Vanja and Cheesman, Nick(2017). In: Law and the Social Sciences Seminar, February 2017 :School of Social Science, Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton
‘Affective Critique: Fear, Hope, Abandonment and Pleasure in Dianne Otto’s Living with International Law’
Hamzić, Vanja(2016). In: Symposium to Celebrate the Work of Professor Dianne Otto, September 2016 :Centre for Gender Studies, SOAS, University of London
‘International Law as Violence: Competing Absences of the Other’
Hamzić, Vanja(2016). In: Queer Perspectives on Law III: Queering the International: Internationalising the Queer, January 2016 :Centre for Gender Studies, SOAS, University of London
International Law as Violence: Competing Absences of the Other
Hamzić, Vanja(2015). In: Queering International Law: Possibilities, Alliances, Complicities, Risks, December 2015 :Institute for International Law and the Humanities, Melbourne Law School, Melbourne, Australia
Mir-Said Sultan-Galiev and the Idea of Muslim Marxism: Empire, Third World(s) and Praxis
Hamzić, Vanja(2015). In: Third World Approaches to International Law Writing Workshop: On Praxis and the Intellectual, September 2015 :Maynooth University, Maynooth, Ireland
The Dera Paradigm: Homecoming of the Gendered Other
Hamzić, Vanja(2015). In: Re-imagining Anthropological and Sociological Boundaries, International Union of Anthropological and Ethnological Sciences (IUAES) Inter-Congress, July 2015 :Thammasat University, Bangkok, Thailand
Towards Third World Approaches to Islamic Law: Empire, Gunpowder and Praxis
Hamzić, Vanja(2015). In: Third World Approaches to International Law Conference: On Praxis and the Intellectual, February 2015 :American University in Cairo, Cairo, Egypt
Mir-Said Sultan-Galiev and the Idea of Muslim Marxism
Hamzić, Vanja(2015). In: Reformers and Intellectual Reformulation in Contemporary Islam, January 2015 :SOAS, University of London and Queen Mary, University of London
Equality and Legality in Muslim Subjectivity Formation
Hamzić, Vanja(2015). In: IGLP: The Workshop, ‘Law and Inequality within and between Nations’ Panel, January 2015 :Hamad bin Khalifa University, Doha, Qatar
Methodology and/of Critique in Islamic Legal Studies
Hamzić, Vanja(2014). In: Heterodox Approaches to Islamic Law and Policy, IGLP Research Conference, June 2014 :Harvard Law School, Harvard University, Cambridge MA, USA
Gender and Islamic Criminal Law in Nigeria: The Zina Case of Ms Amina Lawal (Part 2 of the author’s lecture series ‘Crime in Islamic Legal Tradition: A Reapprisal’)
Hamzić, Vanja(2014). In: Global Law and Economic Policy Workshop, Institute for Global Law and Policy (of Harvard Law School), January 2014 :Hamad bin Khalifa University, Doha, Qatar
Understanding Crime in Islamic Jurisprudence and Muslim Societies (Part 1 of the author’s lecture series ‘Crime in Islamic Legal Tradition: A Reappraisal’)
Hamzić, Vanja(2014). In: Global Law and Economic Policy Workshop, Institute for Global Law and Policy (of Harvard Law School), January 2014 :Hamad bin Khalifa University, Doha, Qatar
The (Un)Conscious Pariah: Canine and Gender Outcasts of the British Raj
Hamzić, Vanja(2013). In: Dogs, Pigs and Children: Changing Laws in Colonial Britain, September 2013 :Centre for the Study of Colonialism, Empire and International Law, SOAS, University of London
Regendering the Nation: The Khwajasara Movement in Pakistan
Hamzić, Vanja(2013). In: 18th Annual World Convention of the Association for the Study of Nationalities, 18-20 April 2013 :Harriman Institute, Columbia University
Hamzić, Vanja(2013). In: Global Law and Economic Policy Workshop, January 2013 :Institute for Global Law and Policy (of Harvard Law School), Hamad bin Khalifa University, Doha, Qatar
Developments in Islamic Law relating to Sexual and Gender Diversity
Hamzić, Vanja(2012). In: Religion and Human Rights: Religion in Private and Public Spaces, November 2012 :Human Rights Law Centre, University of Nottingham
Unlearning Human Rights and False Grand Dichotomies?
Hamzić, Vanja(2011). In: Human Rights Beyond the Law: Politics, Practices, Performances of Protest, September 2011 :Jindal Global University, Sonipat and New Delhi, India
Dress to Impress: Phenomenology and Materiality of Liberal Human Rights Fashion in Global Law and in Indonesia
Hamzić, Vanja(2011). In: The Phenomenology of Global Order: Inquiries into the Materiality of International Law, 7 September 2011 :Centre for the Study of Colonialism, Empire and International Law, SOAS, University of London
The Resistance from a “Third Space”: A Comparative Study of Pakistani and Indonesian Muslims beyond the Dominant Sexual and Gender Norms
Hamzić, Vanja(2011). In: The Politics of Living Religion/Spirituality and Gender/Sexuality in Everyday Context Conference, May 2011 :Novotel Hotel St Pancras, London
The Role of Civil Society Organisations in the Former UN Commission on Human Rights and the UN Human Rights Council
Hamzić, Vanja(2009). In: Advanced Course on the International Protection of Human Rights, August 2009 :Institute for Human Rights at Åbo Akademi University, Turku, Finland
Catalysts and Consequences of Genocide: A Theoretical Framework
Hamzić, Vanja(2009). In: Genocide: Catalysts and Consequences, May 2009 :Minorities of Europe Study Session in cooperation with Council of Europe, Budapest, Hungary
Hamzić, Vanja(2008). In: Take That Gender! EuroMed Training Course on Intercultural Dialogue around Gender and Lifestyles, October 2008 :Bologna, Italy
Hamzić, Vanja(2007). In: Encouraging Dialogue between LGBTQ and Faith-based Communities, October 2007 :IGLYO / Council of Europe Study Session, Budapest, Hungary
Hamzić, Vanja and Cotugno, Giada(2007). In: Encouraging Dialogue between LGBTQ and Faith-based Communities, October 2007 :IGLYO / Council of Europe Study Session, Budapest, Hungary
Hamzić, Vanja(2005). In: International Dialogue on Gender, Sexuality, HIV/AIDS and Human Rights: Focus on Asia, November 2005 :ARC International, Seoul, South Korea
Review of Corrine Lennox and Matthew Waites (eds), Human Rights, Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity in The Commonwealth: Struggles for Decriminalisation and Change (Institute of Commonwealth Studies, London, 2013)
Hamzić, Vanja (2014). Human Rights Law Review (14) 2, pp 386-390