DLD Co-Directors catch up with Development Bank experts during our 3rd Future Leaders Programme

DLD was delighted to have two world-leading experts on Development Banks and Development Finance with us for our Future Leaders Programme on Development Banking, Green Financing and Production Strategies at the end of May. 

Peking University's Professor Jiajun Xu talks to former Executive Director of the Brazilian Development Bank (BNDES), Professor Joao Carlos Ferraz.

Header Image credit: Alicja Ziaj via Unsplash.

Watch the interviews

Co-Director Ha-Joon Chang took some time out from the busy programme to talk to Peking University's Professor Jiajun Xu about the role of the China Development Bank in the country's economic transformation and green transition, as well as her work developing the world's first database of Development Financing Institutions.

Co-Director Christopher Cramer enjoyed a discussion with former Executive Director of the Brazilian Development Bank (BNDES). Professor Joao Carlos Ferraz about what makes a Development Bank relevant, his ‘best failures and his thoughts on the essential skills of effective leaders.